Linda Rosborough
I started volunteering in June 2021 when I heard many volunteers from hospitality were going back to their regular jobs and they needed volunteers. I am primarily a packer- I love doing something very practical which helps people directly. And I love meeting all the very different volunteers with Empty Kitchens. I normally volunteer on a Sunday afternoon- more volunteers always wanted!
When Empty Kitchens was looking to become a charity I was asked to consider being chair. I have chaired the Scottish Wildlife Trust for 5 years and am also involved in the governance of a community singing group for people with Alzeimer’s. Before I retired I was a civil servant working for the Scottish Government on marine issues. I also do the initial puppy raising for Guide Dogs. If you see me coming in for a meeting I will often have my Guide Dog Midas with me. Sadly I have to ask people not to pet him, which some find very difficult!
Setting up a charity is inevitably a bit complicated- ultimately Members and Trustees are responsible for the strategy and direction of the organisation and we are just getting these structures in place. The finances are the most difficult, we need to do a lot more fundraising. It’s great to have the support of such a vibrant community of volunteers and staff to ensure we can continue to support people in need in Edinburgh.